Statement on SVB

March 13, 2023

To Our Valued Customers,

Read our Updated Statement on SVB. Click here.

As many of you may have heard, last week in an isolated case the FDIC closed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on the west coast. To some, such news can be unsettling so we wanted to reach out with our perspective.

Rest assured, community banking in Texas, and particularly Texas Regional Bank operates by a sound and diversified business model to protect against risk like what we saw last week.   From the beginning, TRB has focused on community banking in the markets we serve, by banking people and businesses in almost all sectors of the Texas economy.  We can confidently report we are well-capitalized, profitable, and continue to grow and prosper as a diversified financial services company.

If you chose to research the circumstances of the failed bank, you will find SVB was a niche bank that targeted tech start-up companies largely funded by venture capital.  I can say with certainty, this is not who TRB is.  In addition, we have no concentration in any particular segment and have no exposure or involvement in “crypto assets”.  Our customers are small businesses from diverse industries and folks just like you who live in South Texas, the Texas Hill Country, Houston, or the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.

In closing, over the weekend, the Regulatory Agencies issued two written statements that are good for confidence, the banking industry, and depositors.  The press releases provide 100% protection to the depositors of the failed bank and provide new financial institution funding resources to mitigate these events in the future.  In addition, you can always find up-to-date quarterly financial information on our bank at the link below.  This is public information we file quarterly with our regulators.

As always, thank you for giving us the opportunity to be your bank.


Michael Scaief

Chairman & CEO


Select Report Type: Uniform Bank Performance Report

Institution Name:  Texas Regional Bank

Texas Regional Bank

Texas Regional Bank is a privately owned institution that was founded in South Texas with the goal to bring a locally-owned, relationship style bank back to the communities we serve. TRB is committed to building a relationship with our customers by providing exceptional customer service, financial products, and mobile and online banking.